
More supporters are donating online than ever before

It’s never been more important to have compelling donation experiences available directly within your website.

Fundraising and donations

Process donations from your own website

Customise the user experience using a variety of panels, templates, and configurations that ensure the donor experience is matched perfectly to their occasion of giving.

Fully integrated with Stripe® and PayPal® payments.


Build your fully customisable and responsive donation page

Donation form
Donation page builder

Build beautiful donation pages without bouncing to third party platforms or sites. Customise default donation amounts, content and imagery to get the exact look and feel that's right for your community.

Custom form field builder
Custom form Fields

Use PIXO’s easy form builder to collect all the donor information your organisation needs. Create beautiful, intuitive forms in minutes - no coding necessary.

Donation receipts
Automated email receipts

Automated email receipts and acknowledgements allow you to focus less on admin and more on what’s important to your organisation.

Customise your user's donation experience

Donation page builder

Once-off and regular giving

Your supporters can access a variety of giving options, including one off donations or flexible regular giving options, featuring automated retention tools and self-service donor dashboard.

PIXO's donor dashboard enables supporters to manage regular donations, reprint receipts, update credit card details, and uplift their donation directly inside your website.

Woman looking at donation pageE-Card giving

Donate as a gift with eCards

Enable supporters to donate as a gift, and send an eCard with a personalised message to the gift recipient notifying them of a donation made in their honour.

In memoryGiving in memory

“In Memory” giving pages

Enable families and friends to create In Memory donation pages that honour a loved ones who has passed away.

Supporters can create a unique online tribute page  personalised with photos and a story, and share the page with their community where donations can be made in honour of the deceased.

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Get started with PIXO

Ready to enable your mission through better web capability? Call, email, or send us an online message to get started!

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